Emporea Wiki
Ice canon new design

Dwarven Frost Cannons are among the most advanced war machines in Emporea. They use crystalline essence to fire devastating salvos of ice shards.

Damage (Cold) 400 +15 per upgrade

Healthpoints 940 +20 per upgrade

Regeneration 10

Fire resist 30 +4 per upgrade

Special ability: When researched Frost cannon deals additional Cold damage ( up to 15 when Frost cannons total upkeep is 1/5 of army upkeep)

Cost: 90 gold, 90 wood, 180 iron, 20 army upkeep


The constant threat of Orcish raids and Undead assaults forced the Dwarves to turn their technological ingenuity to the field of war.

Chronicles of Emporea
