Emporea Wiki

"Arachnophobia" event description

That which many feared, has become a reality. Swarms of spiders started to slaughter everything living around their hatcheries. There isn't much time, we have to get the situation under control and protect our supplies. Hero, gather your best warriors and prepare for extermination.

The event lasts 6 days. The player has to raid neutral event camps in order to obtain the Spider Eggs – the currency of the event. The Eggs are used to purchase special artifacts, units and a spell in the Event shop.

Event Camps

Egg Brooder

  • Medium camp (31-40 level)
  • 2 Command Points needed to attack
  • Neutral units: Acolyte, Arachnid
  • Loot:
    • A 66% chance to get 1x Spider Egg
    • Chance to find a Rune of Earth (II)
    • Gain 1,7x more resources and experience points
    • Random resource type

Spider Nest

  • Hard camp (41-60 level)
  • 3 Command Points needed to attack
  • Neutral units: Acolyte, Arachnid
  • Loot:
    • A 100% chance to get 1x Spider Egg
    • Chance to find a Rune of Water (III) (Only if this rune is available in the game world. Until then, Rune of Earth (II) can be found in the Egg Brooder.)
    • Gain 2,5x more resources and experience points
    • Random resource type

Dynamic rune drop in Event Camps

Rune of Earth (II) can be found in the Egg Brooder.

Rune of Water (III) can be found in the Spider Nest, only after there are already common hard camps in the gameworld. Until then, Rune of Earth (II) can be found in Spider Nest.

Event Items

Spider Egg – the currency needed for buying items in the Event shop. Can be gained by attacking the neutral event camps (Egg Brooder, Spider Nest) and also by attacking the Easy Portal (5% chance), Medium Portal (7% chance), Hard Portal (9% chance) and Very Hard Portal (11% chance). It can also be created at the Alchemist.

Spider Queen item – can be used to summon the Spider Queen unit to your army.

Event Shop

Click on the Spider Egg in the hero’s inventory to display the Event shop:
